An Australian blenny. Image: Nick Hobgood CC BY SA 3.0/Wikimedia Commons
Biodiversity Council Social Media Community Guidelines
1 January 2023
Thank you for connecting with the Biodiversity Council through our online community. Our social media platforms are a place to update the community on the latest issues, science, analysis and resources to help conserve Australian biodiversity.
Our social media channels are an important tool for the Biodiversity Council to actively engage with the community, serving as a place for discussion and an active exchange of ideas.
We welcome positive, respectful, reliable, relevant and safe conversation and comments.
We aim to maintain the integrity of our online community and ensure a safe and positive space for our community, including staff and collaborators.
If your comments violate any part of our Social Media Community Guidelines, they will be deleted. If you repeatedly breach these guidelines, we may block you from our social media channels.
Social Media Community Guidelines
Contributions to our social media channels must not:
- Harass, abuse or threaten other users of our social media or our staff or partners
- Be discriminatory or degrading, provoking or excluding of others, including by referencing an individual’s race, age, gender, sexuality, political leaning, religion or disability.
- Contain offensive or derogatory language.
- Contain or promote misinformation or disinformation.
- Be defamatory or potentially defamatory in nature, or bring the Biodiversity Council into disrepute.
- Infringe on the privacy of the contributor, or other individuals, such as by sharing personal emails and phone numbers.
- Be advertising or spam.
- Be in violation of the terms and conditions of the social media platform on which it is posted.
We welcome all courteous comments and look forward to the engagement our social media pages bring between the Biodiversity Council and the broader community.
Our official social media channels are: