Submission to South-east Marine Parks Network Draft Management Plan
14 November 2024
The South-east Marine Parks Network Draft Management Plan is a key opportunity to address current shortcomings in marine protected areas to meet Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Target 3 (the ‘30 by 30’ target) aims to ensure that at least 30% of marine areas are effectively conserved and managed through ecologically representative protected areas by 2030.
A long-running concern of the Council is that the focus of the Australian Government is on the total area of Australia’s marine reserves, not their representativeness. Australia will only meet 30 by 30 when 30% of all mappable conservation features are conserved. This is not the same as 30% of Australia’s entire EEZ.
The Biodiversity Council supports the creation of 11 new sanctuaries across 10 marine parks and prohibiting several industrial activities, such as new oil and gas titles and seismic blasting, across all south-east marine parks.
However, we are concerned that commercial fishing has been prioritised over biodiversity protection in Flinders Marine Park and Murray Marine Park resulting in reduced protections. We are also concerned that the Draft Plan does not sufficiently increase representativeness of the marine park estate.
The Biodiversity Council notes that many other points made in our 2023 submission regarding the South-east Marine Parks Network Management Plan Review are still relevant. Our key concerns are:
- Flinders Marine Park Sanctuary downgraded to allow commercial fishing.
- Murray Marine Park zoning changes to allow commercial fishing.
- There are significant gaps in sanctuary coverage.
- Lack of detail about First Nations connections and partnerships.
- Absence of monitoring and evaluation program.
- Lack of detail about climate adaptation and response.
Please see the submission for full details.