Jaana Dielenberg
Communication and Engagement Manager
Jaana Dielenberg is the Biodiversity Council’s Communication and Engagement Manager. She works to raise awareness of biodiversity issues and support for solutions by amplifying the messages and voices of scientists and Indigenous Knowledge holders.
Jaana is the first point of call for journalists wanting to connect with biodiversity experts or who are looking to talk through ideas for biodiversity-related stories.
Jaana also provides media training and coaching to early career researchers and other groups to give them the tools and confidence to increase the public profile of their science and to contribute to public discourse.
Jaana has a BA (Geography) and Master of Environment from The University of Melbourne. She began her career with 11 years at Melbourne Water in waterway management, environmental planning and knowledge broker roles. After moving to Northern Australia she began 9 years in research knowledge brokering, communication and stakeholder engagement roles for the National Environmental Research Program Northern Australia Hub, and then the National Environmental Science Program Threatened Species Recovery Hub. She has also worked on climate-focused programs in Australia and in the Pacific.
Over the last decade Jaana has generated over 14,000 media stories on biodiversity research and conservation. She is a science writer whose articles have been read more than 1 million times. Jaana is based at The University of Melbourne and is a University Fellow at Charles Darwin University.