Matthew Shanks
Taungurung Land and Waters Council

Matt Shanks is a proud Nira Balluk man of the Taungurung Nation. As Director of Cultural Land Management at Taungurung Land and Waters Council, he is responsible for supporting the Taungurung community to set cultural objectives and strategic priorities for the health of Taungurung Country.
To ensure the Taungurung are front and center in matters relating to Taungurung Country Matt negotiates partnerships with State, Industry and Private parties to activate community objectives, priorities and inherent rights held by the Taungurung.
Matt's key fields of interest is achieving Healthy Country and holistic, long term and culturally informed solutions by applying strategic, Biocultural and Indigenist approaches for overcoming challenges and systemic barriers.
"Biodiversity Council is an opportunity to have robust discussions with leaders from diverse disciplines who are committed to fighting for the health of Country and achieve impactful solutions." "Historically, Aboriginal people have been turned to last for solutions to colonial-designed problems resulting in poor health of Country. Biodiversity Council seeks to rectify that approach by ensuring that all knowledge systems are empowered and central to important conversations about Country." - Matthew Shanks