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Biodiversity Council welcome government investment in H5N1 bird flu virus response

Today the Australian Government announced more than $100 million to fight the H5N1 strain of avian influenza, which has killed millions of animals overseas, including wild birds and mammals, and livestock.
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8 ways to tone down the Christmas lights to help wildlife - and why we should

12 December 2023
The Australian government has launched a campaign asking people to “switch off light pollution” to protect wildlife. So, what does the science say? Should we rethink Christmas lights?
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News story

Can the government’s new market mechanism help save nature? Yes – if we get the devil out of the detail

6 December 2023
Australians woke up this morning to discover they had a nature repair market, after the legislation passed late last night. Except it won’t be called a market, and it won’t include biodiversity offsets.
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We must assess ‘cumulative impacts’ to protect nature from death by a thousand cuts

30 October 2023
Australia’s national environment protection law ignores the big picture; here we look at the how multiple projects can have a cumulative impact on nature, and what needs to change.
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Humpback whales hold lore for Traditional Custodians. But laws don’t protect species for their cultural significance

3 October 2023
For saltwater people of Australia’s east and west coasts, humpback whales hold important lore in the form of stories , yet protecting species for their cultural significance is not possible under Australian law. Here's why we need this to change.
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Australia’s least wanted – 8 alien species and diseases we must keep out of our island home

6 September 2023
Prevention is better than a cure. Here we take a closer look at some pests and diseases we need to keep out at all costs, to protect our biodiversity.
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Trapped: Australia’s extraordinary alpine insects are being marooned on mountaintops as the world warms

24 August 2023
Insects and other invertebrates do essential jobs such as pollinating plants, improving soils and controlling pests. But, as the world warms, will they cope?
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Donate to protect nature

28 June 2023
A gift to the Biodiversity Council can help us to challenge the current environmental laws and empower more Australians to take action.
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97% of Australians want more action to stop extinctions and 72% want extra spending on the environment

20 June 2023
Most Australians (97%) want more action to protect nature, even if they don’t know the full extent of the biodiversity crisis. That’s the startling finding emerging from our first national survey of 4,000 voters.
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‘Too small and carefree’: endangered animals released into the wild may lack the match-fitness to evade predators

6 June 2023
Breeding threatened mammals in fenced, predator-free areas is a common conservation strategy in Australia. But new research suggests the strategy may put animals at a distinct disadvantage once they’re fending for themselves.
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News story

Summer bushfires in unprecedented detail. Here are 6 lessons to heed

2 June 2023
The Black Summer bushfires of 2019-20 were cataclysmic: a landmark in Australia’s environmental history. Over 200 experts have fed their knowledge into a new book that synthesises the extent of the losses. Here are six key lessons we learnt...
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The Biodiversity Council acknowledges the First Peoples of the lands and waters of Australia, and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and future and expresses gratitude for long and ongoing custodianship of Country.

The Biodiversity Council is an independent expert group founded by 11 Australian universities to promote evidence-based solutions to Australia’s biodiversity crisis. It is hosted by The University of Melbourne. It receives funding from 11 university partners and The Ian Potter Foundation, The Ross Trust, Trawalla Foundation, The Rendere Trust, Isaacson Davis Foundation, Coniston Charitable Trust and Angela Whitbread.

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Biodiversity Council

University of Melbourne

Faculty of Science

Old Geology Building 155

Parkville Victoria 3010


James Trezise

Media Manager

Jaana Dielenberg

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