Study finds environment laws are failing to curb nature destruction in Northern Australia
New research led by The University of Queensland has added to the case for federal nature law reform after finding existing laws in Queensland and the Northern Territory are not working to protect nature or curb deforestation.
The Biodiversity Council acknowledges the First Peoples of the lands and waters of Australia, and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and future and expresses gratitude for long and ongoing custodianship of Country.
The Biodiversity Council is an independent expert group founded by 11 Australian universities to promote evidence-based solutions to Australia’s biodiversity crisis. It is hosted by The University of Melbourne. It receives funding from 11 university partners and The Ian Potter Foundation, The Ross Trust, Trawalla Foundation, The Rendere Trust, Isaacson Davis Foundation, Coniston Charitable Trust and Angela Whitbread.
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Experts propose mapping green-light zones where renewables can be fast-tracked with least impacts on nature and agriculture
20 March 2024
The University of Melbourne is mapping zones where renewable energy projects could be fast-tracked without major risk, and identifying areas that should be off-limits.
Biodiversity Council slams environmental law carve out for offshore oil and gas industry
14 March 2024
The Biodiversity Council has raised serious concerns in relation to proposed amendments that will potentially weaken requirements for the offshore petroleum and gas industry to meet environmental standards under national law.
National survey finds Australians want government to lift their game for nature
6 March 2024
Our second national survey of community attitudes to biodiversity conservation issues, has revealed strong support for governments to lift action and spending for nature.
Study in South Australia finds carbon gains could pay for farmer-led biodiversity restoration
18 January 2024
Market-based schemes that financially reward landholders to store carbon or improve biodiversity have been around for years, but few schemes have rewarded farmers for delivering both at the same time. A new study shows this is a missed opportunity.
Biodiversity Council welcomes Queensland ban on new oil and gas drilling in the Lake Eyre Basin floodplains
22 December 2023
Queensland's premier has announced there will be no new oil and gas development in the Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre basin's rivers and floodplains; this is a big win for ecosystems!
10 ways that our national environmental laws must change
13 December 2023
The Biodiversity Council is calling for an overhaul of Australia’s biodiversity offsets system. Read about 10 environmental law reforms needed to protect nature in Australia and why.
Changes to Nature Repair Bill signal positive signs for environmental protection
6 December 2023
Australia's nature repair market was passed in the Senate this week. We welcome the exclusion of biodiversity offsets and the expanded scope of the ‘water trigger’.
Wildlife need us to tone down the Christmas lights
5 December 2023
The Biodiversity Council is urging people to get behind the Australian Government’s new campaign to switch off light pollution to help wildlife. Here are 8 ways to help wildlife by cutting light pollution while still enjoying Christmas decorations.