A black-fronted dotterel at a wetland. Image: Patrick Kavanagh CC BY 2.0 DEED flickr
2024/25 Pre-budget Submission: Aligning investment to international commitments
16 January 2024

The Biodiversity Council welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the 2024-25 Federal Budget. Australia has consistently under-invested in the protection and recovery of its native biodiversity and is one of the most underfunded nations when it comes to biodiversity conservation. Biodiversity is at particular risk in Australia and a recent survey conducted by the Biodiversity Council has demonstrated that 95% of Australians support more investment in the environment.
This pre-budget submission focuses on key international environmental commitments made under the 2023 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), and 6 areas of priority investment for the Australian Government to spend to save and address the extinction crisis.