Like thousands of native Australian species, the green and golden bell frog has experienced a severe decline in numbers and has been driven to extinction in many locations. Image: JJ Harrison CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The independent expert voice for Australian Biodiversity
12 August 2023

The Biodiversity Council’s mission is to be a trusted expert voice communicating accurate information on all aspects of biodiversity to the Australian people, to ensure biodiversity and Country prosper.
Our Biodiversity Councillors are leading experts, in science, Indigenous knowledge, law, policy, economics, behaviour change and communications. We drive action on biodiversity by increasing public, political and industry understanding of the problem and support for evidence-based solutions.
This two page factsheet introduces the Biodiversity Council, our mission and approach, why we are needed and who is involved. It also provides some key facts about the state of nature in Australia and the results of a survey into community attitudes to nature and conservation.