Study finds environment laws are failing to curb nature destruction in Northern Australia
New research led by The University of Queensland has added to the case for federal nature law reform after finding existing laws in Queensland and the Northern Territory are not working to protect nature or curb deforestation.
The Biodiversity Council acknowledges the First Peoples of the lands and waters of Australia, and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and future and expresses gratitude for long and ongoing custodianship of Country.
The Biodiversity Council is an independent expert group founded by 11 Australian universities to promote evidence-based solutions to Australia’s biodiversity crisis. It is hosted by The University of Melbourne. It receives funding from 11 university partners and The Ian Potter Foundation, The Ross Trust, Trawalla Foundation, The Rendere Trust, Isaacson Davis Foundation, Coniston Charitable Trust and Angela Whitbread.
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New study finds EPBC Act assessment decisions are having little effect on reducing habitat loss for threatened species
25 March 2024
A study by researchers at The University of Queensland
has found that the EPBC Act is not delivering on its
primary purpose of halting biodiversity loss.
Allowing duck hunting to continue in Victoria is shameful and part of a disturbing trend
30 January 2024
The Victorian government has confirmed duck and quail hunting will continue in the state. The controversial decision is a rejection of recommendations by a bipartisan parliamentary committee which recommended ending native bird hunting this year.
Climate change and nature loss are our biggest environmental problems - so why isn’t the market tackling them together?
16 January 2024
New research suggests we can act to boost the climate and nature at the same time; if we can improve the way market incentives work - Australian farmers can play a key role in ecosystem repair.
How do we know Australia is in a biodiversity crisis? A summary of the science
15 January 2024
This article summarises the findings of many studies about how Australia's native plants, animals and ecosystems are doing. The results show that Australia is in a biodiversity crisis.
8 ways to tone down the Christmas lights to help wildlife - and why we should
12 December 2023
The Australian government has launched a campaign asking people to “switch off light pollution” to protect wildlife. So, what does the science say? Should we rethink Christmas lights?
Can the government’s new market mechanism help save nature? Yes – if we get the devil out of the detail
6 December 2023
Australians woke up this morning to discover they had a nature repair market, after the legislation passed late last night. Except it won’t be called a market, and it won’t include biodiversity offsets.