The Biodiversity Council acknowledges the First Peoples of the lands and waters of Australia, and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and future and expresses gratitude for long and ongoing custodianship of Country.
The Biodiversity Council is an independent expert group founded by 11 Australian universities to promote evidence-based solutions to Australia’s biodiversity crisis. It is hosted by The University of Melbourne. It receives funding from 11 university partners and The Ian Potter Foundation, The Ross Trust, Trawalla Foundation, The Rendere Trust, Isaacson Davis Foundation, Coniston Charitable Trust and Angela Whitbread.
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Feedback to NOPSEMA on the TGS Otway Basin Seismic Survey - Environment Plan
11 August 2023
The 'TGS Otway Basin 3D Multi Client Seismic Survey – Environment Plan' should be rejected. We raise four key concerns with the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) in our submission.
This factsheet explores the implications of environmental policy reform for First Peoples and the Indigenous Estate and provides recommendations for improvement.
The impact of roaming pet cats on Australian wildlife
6 July 2023
This factsheet summarises research findings on the impact of Australia’s pet cats on wildlife. It also provides information for cat owners and local government organisations about how to reduce the impact and improve the welfare of pet cats.
Biodiversity Concerns Community Survey: Summary for decision makers
12 June 2023
The Biodiversity Council undertook a benchmark study to gauge Australian's views on biodiversity
and how well nature is cared for. This four page document summarises the key findings for decision makers.
Biodiversity Concerns Report: 97% of Australians want more action to protect nature
10 June 2023
The Biodiversity Council undertook a benchmark study to gauge current understanding and concern for biodiversity issues among Australians. You can read our findings from over 4000 study participants in our Biodiversity Concerns Report.
Submission to inquiry into the recreational native bird hunting in Victoria
21 May 2023
We detail the scientific evidence for discontinuing native bird hunting in our submission to the Parliament of Victoria's Select Committee Inquiry into Native Bird Hunting Arrangements.
Minister of the Environment Tanya Plibersek put out a call seeking ambitious and innovative ideas to achieve better, longer lasting improvements for our biodiversity. Read the responses from some of our councillors.
Biodiversity Council submission to the statutory review of the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016
24 April 2023
The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 is up for review. Our submission makes 26 recommendations to improve the Act to better protect biodiversity.
Feedback on principles proposed to guide recognition of other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs)
19 April 2023
The Australian Government is seeking to introduce other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) to help reach its international biodiversity commitment of 30 by 30. Read our submission made as part of the public consultation.